I am combining my blogs into one. Having said that, I have not posted anything on the other blog, Enjoy!, since before my daughter was born in 2011. I originally started that blog to talk about spirituality, however, I finally decided there will not be no separation between what I do and think. You may feel a slight change of mood in this blog. But, life goes on. :)
So, as you can read it in my profile, my motto (at least one of my motto) is, "Let it Speak its own Language and Listen." My belief, as a human being, is that we come to this world to bring yourself to higher self. In Japanese, when somebody is born, it is said, "He/she was given a life (命)." The Chinese character, 命, means life but also to order, to give direction, or to name, as well as a destiny. In Japan, giving a name is written, 命名, and it could simply mean, giving the name but it actually has much deeper meaning than just giving a name. The important part is being born (being given life) and naming (being given name) are inseparable things. The first step of life is being born that is a collaboration between you and your mother. And the second step of life is being named that is the first involuntary contract in this world. It is a spell that is bound to the human society. Sure, you can change your name down the road, but first, you are given your life and you are given your name. Well, it is true, many people feel like we are born with our own will- and I do admit I know I chose to be born, but I won't discuss that now. Anyway, about being born and naming, I strongly feel there was a sense of obligation or some sort of life assignment that was given with life and my own name at the birth. In that sense, I feel that I became complete when all of those things like the birth time, the body, the name, the soul, and the mind came together. And further more, I was given a family, the community, the environment, and so forth at the same time. Long story short, this is what I believe: I, this consciousness, is responsible of making this person, Atsushi Iwai, to meet the satisfaction of this soul in order to fulfill the mission that is somehow attached to the birth time of mine. Fulfilling the mission means the highest place you can go in this life time.
Lately, well, more like past ten years or so, I felt that part of what I am supposed to do is to listen. So, I started thinking that the big part of my action should be listening. A lot of times, this "listening" is actually more like deeply feeling or accepting, but "listening" sounds more poetic, doesn't it? So, listening. I propose my theory: we are the deciphers of our own lives. Regardless of what we learn from school and from society or languages that we speak, you are the only person in the whole world who can understand the signs that are given to you, which are encoded in your environment. (I know it is not a new concept, but it does have importance to me now again. Regardless of how many times there was the same message given to me, if I could not accept the message, then it was as good as nothing. )
I think the secret to deciphering the signs is to become sensitive. If I can perceive the subtle differences in a narrow signal, then I can learn much more things than I previously did from the same range of information. This is, I can say it without hesitation, true to all discipline. As a yogi, I listen to the language of my body, mind, and soul. When I say the language, I don't mean a chattering that is in the mind, what I mean is the series of sensations that are separate from chattering or feelings. Maybe, the chattering and feelings are at the first gate to enter, then there are sensations of the body, the obvious sensations include pain or pressure that are connected to the feelings. There may be a feeling of heavy presence of time. Then, there is a shift of sensations that comes with the suspended feeling of time. There is hardly any boarders between I and other or time. When I am there, I trust what is happening. I feel as if I contain the cosmos and the cosmos contains me. Each movement, each breath, or each moment, it is a conversation and unification of broken pieces. When I am there, I literally hear, "Welcome back," to my soul ear , every cell of my body is smiling, and I know I am home.
As a potter, I listen to the language of clay, water, air and fire. Again, subtlety is the key to this discipline. For instance, when I am throwing a pot, if I ignored even a slight sign of resistance, then the pot will be hard to be tamed. But if I listen patiently, then I, the machine, and the clay will move, like there are no separations. I have not heard, "Welcome back," yet, when I throw pots, but it is my hope, when I am working on ceramics, I get the same feeling of being at home like when I am doing yoga someday.
So, I "Let it Speak its Own Language, and Listen."
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Simple Pattern on Bowls
Recently, I got very excited seeing Lucie Rie's work. Her simple pattern inspired me to do those pieces. I made a test piece and then a set of six. Contrasting my previous karakusa pattern in blue, I would like to continue playing with simple patterns on various shapes.
最近見つけたルーシー リーのとってもシンプルな柄はぼくとってもわくわくさせてくれました。まずテストピースを作って、それに次ぐ六つピースのセット。僕の今まで紹介した唐草とは違う柄ですが、これもまたもっと遊べそうです。
最近見つけたルーシー リーのとってもシンプルな柄はぼくとってもわくわくさせてくれました。まずテストピースを作って、それに次ぐ六つピースのセット。僕の今まで紹介した唐草とは違う柄ですが、これもまたもっと遊べそうです。
Friday, February 1, 2013
Ewer with Ram's Head/羊頭付き水差し
Regardless of my engineer friend's strong opinion about how this design as a ewer would never work functionally, I had to make this in homage to ancient cultures. Through out time in various cultures, some versions of this ewer existed. Yes, Sasa, the ewer pours out water badly. But, please, look how tall it stands! Who knows what those ewers with ram's head were used for? As far as I know, these could have been used for ritual purposes only. Then, who cares about how water pours out from it, right?Besides, my friend Tim Kent, the most talented painter in NYC to my knowledge, thinks it is awesome. He liked it so much, he agreed to trade this piece to his small but wonderful painting. Did I neglect to mention him about the part it is not so functional? Yes, but he would understand.. Right, Tim?
それに、僕の友達である、僕が思うにNYCで今一番才能のあるペインターのテイム ケントはこれをとっても絶賛してくれました。とっても気に入ってくれて、こんど彼の小さいでもとっても素敵な絵と交換する事になってます。あれっ?この水差しあまり使いやすくないって、テイムに話したっけ?言ってないか... でも、解ってくれるよね?
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Two Vases/ 二口の花瓶
These are two vases wood fired at Roger san's studio. The glaze I used was Shino. Although both are made with the same clay body and glaze, results were surprisingly different. One vase has a traditional shino white on one side and orange sheen over soft white on the other. The other vase has what Roger san called "crystals" over pale blue/green and the other side has orange sheen on pale blue/green.I can not tell how those "crystals" formed, it must be some of those fluke "yohhen" (窯変) that I heard about. Roger san quickly explained to me that the piece was close to the front of the kiln and this must have happened in the cooling process. All I have to say about this is I am pretty happy with the results. Mako at Togei Kyoshitsu told me the kiln god was good to me because I waited a long year to actually make it to do the wood firing at Roger san's. Thank you, kiln god! Both of the vases are sent to Japan to my parents for their 70th birthday. Congratulations for the 70th birthday, Mom and Dad!

じゃじゃ〜ん!ロジャーさんの所で焼いてもらった二口の花瓶です。釉薬は志野を使いました。土も釉薬も同じはずなのにこんなに結果が違くなりました。驚きです。一つは伝統的な志野焼の落ち着いた白の上にオレンジの輝きが見られます。もう一つは今までに見た事のない模様が現れました。ロジャーさんはこれを”クリスタル”と呼んでいました。窯変によって白のはずの志野が薄青/緑になり、その上に金に近いような斑模様。窯変とはうまく云ったものです。どのような仕組みでこうなるのか僕には見当がつきません。ロジャーさんは窯のロストルの近くにあったので、それと相まって冷える過程でこういう窯変が出来るのではと説明してくれました。とにかく僕はこの偶然に感謝しています。陶芸教室のマコさんは、なんだかんだ有って一年も僕はロジャーさんの所に行けずじまいでいたので、窯の神様が僕に良くしてくれたのではと、言ってくれました。窯の神様、ありがとうございます! なお、これらの花瓶は僕の両親の所に七十歳の誕生日を祝して日本に送られました。お父さん、お母さん誕生日おめでとう!
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