Friday, February 1, 2013

Ewer with Ram's Head/羊頭付き水差し

Regardless of my engineer friend's strong opinion about how this design as a ewer would never work functionally, I had to make this in homage to ancient cultures. Through out time in various cultures, some versions of this ewer existed. Yes, Sasa, the ewer pours out water badly. But, please, look how tall it stands! Who knows what those ewers with ram's head were used for? As far as I know, these could have been used for ritual purposes only. Then, who cares about how water pours out from it, right?
Besides, my friend Tim Kent, the most talented painter in NYC to my knowledge, thinks it is awesome. He liked it so much, he agreed to trade this piece to his small but wonderful painting. Did I neglect to mention him about the part it is not so functional? Yes, but he would understand.. Right, Tim?

それに、僕の友達である、僕が思うにNYCで今一番才能のあるペインターのテム ケントはこれをとっても絶賛してくれました。とっても気に入ってくれて、こんど彼の小さいでもとっても素敵な絵と交換する事になってます。あれっ?この水差しあまり使いやすくないって、テムに話したっけ?言ってないか... でも、解ってくれるよね?